
Sunday, 23 March 2014

The world of eyes.

Eyes is the organ of sight, they provide vision and send signals to others (anger, love, lust etc.) Wherever there is light and a reason to move, animals will have eyes.

The first thing we notice when we look into someone eyes, is the iris or colour. Most common colours are blue, hazel, grey and brown. Less common ones are amber, violet, red, black and surprisingly green. The pigment that causes these colours in your eyes is called melanin. (This also causes hair and skin colour). Brown eyed people have more melanin in their eyes than blue, the more melanin you have, the darker the colour. The genetics found in your eye colour according to are  bey 1 and bey 2 found on  chromosome 15, these have the colour blue and brown present and gey gene on chromosome 19, have the colour blue and green alleles.
Where in the world is my eye colour found ? You may be asking. Well according to
Brown eyed people are the most common type of eyes so there is no exact spot.
People with hazel eyes are commonly found in America and Europe.
Blue eyes, well although these colour eyes are common they are especially found in countries such as Germany, Netherlands, Iceland, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Estonia.
Grey eyes are often found in Russia, Finland and Baltic States, whereas to Southern Asia.

           Fun facts about eye colour!
  • Green eyes are less common in humans and more common in animals- they are also known as "cats eyes"
  • The increase in the exposure of light makes your eye change colour. That's why when you're born your eyes are blue.
  • According to the first blue eyes lived 6,000-10,000 years ago.
  • Heterochromia (born with 2 different coloured eyes) this occurs because different amounts of melanin in the eye or by a trauma at birth (
  • Asian, Hispanic, or African children are usually born with brown eyes. They will stay this colour for the remainder of their life


  1. This is a really interesting blog post. I would have thought that green eyes would be more common.

    1. Thank you, yeah I know, I was really surprised by that myself with only 1-2% of the population having green eyes!!

  2. Hey Kaitlyn!! Awesome blog post! Fun fact about eyes: people that dont have brown eyes are mutants!! wut? Its cuz the baby was born with a deficiency that changed their eye colour to blue, and their offspring had green and blue and grey eyes!!
